Tuesday 27 March 2012

Harvest Bales

Oil on Board, 10 x 14 inches

I always think stubble fields with jam roly-poly bales look magnificent set against a dark sky, and this scene begged to be painted - rolling Devon hills with a patchwork quilt of fields with cattle grazing in one of them.

Most of the painting, apart from the sky scrubbed in with hogs, was done with my trademark 1" household paintbrush, which I find is a great tool to quickly and effectively depict foliage, and especially here, the corn stubble and bales.  The paint is applied thickly over the darker underpainting and perfectly describes the spikey stalks with heavy texture.

Now, I must get on - I haven't got time to dilly dally about, entertaining all you millions of my fans out there in the ether, so let me get on with the next painting.


  1. I realise you are a busy bee but just to say how clever to draw the eye through the bales and down from the sky to the cattle in the field. Ve

    1. Thank you Ve - well spotted - I hadn't even designed it that way - that's how it was! Have you started your assault on the art world yet?


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